An orphaned 13-year-old girl named Catherine ‘Cat’ Royal lives in the Theatre Royal, after the owner, Mr. Sheridan, who named her after the theatre, found her as a baby. She knows well the Theatre and its surroundings, later 18th century England. Cat befriends an African boy violinist, Pedro, who arrives to be the musician’s apprentice. Cat also meets the aristocratic Avon family, and the children, Lord Francis and Lady Elizabeth, who are not as arrogant as other wealthy people. She meets Johnny, the new prompt with a rather unmistakable talent for art, specifically controversial political cartoons, and a mysterious past. She learns that Johnny is the “Captain Sparkler” accused of treason for the cartoons against the king. Johnny had had a romantic past with Lady Elizabeth.
One night Cat overhears Mr. Sheridan and his colleague Marchmont, discussing a valuable diamond hidden in the theatre. Cat is intrigued, but she promises to protect it for Mr. Sheridan.
Cat learns that the diamond is not a real diamond, but it is actually Johnny, the prompter. He is of value, because of the reward for his capture.
However, a street gang led by Cat’s enemy Billy “Boil” Shepherd, learns about the diamond, and assumes it is a real diamond. He breaks into the Theatre to steal it. Cat and Pedro manage to evade him, but Cat is arrested for having money that was supposed to be for smuggling Johnny out of England where he will be safe. Boil is also arrested for stealing the money, although 2 of his gang member actually stole the money.
Johnny eventually gets out of England, and Cat is reunited with her Theatre and everyone in it. In the end, Mr. Sheridan tells her that there was no real diamond, nor Johnny, as a metaphorical diamond. Cat is the true diamond of the Theatre Royal, and the Theatre would be nothing without its "Cat."
My Criticisms:
The novel is such a simple one, with a discouraging ending. The events were directly stated and are confusing. Nothing is special with this novel, it is just a novel somehow without sense. Only few can appreciate this novel. The storyline is properly developed, the characters curiosities are somehow believable. It discusses the importance of the main character as a part of the family of her foster parent.
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